How to Make $500 to $1000 Income Every Day Using Jethjibadi and Google's Free Blogger with Simple Copy and Paste

How to Make $50 to $100 Income Every Day Using Jethjibadi and Google's Free Blogger with Simple Copy and Paste

How to Make $500 to $1000 Income Every Day

In this post, I will show you a practical way to generate income using Jethjibadi and Google's Blogger by simply copying and pasting. You might have seen many videos on the internet that misguide you to generate content from chat tools and post it on your blog, or suggest selling generated articles on freelancing sites. However, these methods do not work effectively, and there's no significant earning involved.

The method I am about to share requires just copying and pasting, allowing you to earn through Google AdSense legally. If you are interested in earning, watch this video till the end.

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I will divide this video into three parts:

  1. Method to Earn through Chat Jupiter Blogger: I will give you my proven method to earn money using Chat Jupiter Blogger.
  2. Common Misguidance: I will explain how people misguide you, leading to wasted time and effort.
  3. Practical Demonstration: I will show you practically how you can generate earnings.

Part 1: My Proven Method

First, let’s discuss the tools and steps involved in my method. You might have searched for various converters like JPG to PNG, PDF to Word, etc. Using Jethjibadi, you can generate HTML, Java, PHP codes for such tools. You can create these tools for free using Chat Jupiter and integrate them into your Blogger website.

For example, I created a PNG converter tool on Blogger in just 5 minutes. You can upload an image, convert it, and download the converted file. Adding relevant content and submitting your site to Google Search Console will help you get AdSense approval and start earning.

Here is a simple table to understand the steps:

Step Description
1 Generate tool code using Chat Jupiter
2 Create a new blog on Blogger
3 Add the code to the blog's HTML section
4 Customize the blog with headers, footers, and additional features
5 Optimize for SEO and apply for Google AdSense

Part 2: Misguidance in Earning Methods

Many videos suggest generating articles using AI tools and posting them on blogs or selling them on freelancing sites. This method is flawed because Google does not rank AI-generated content, making it impossible to get AdSense approval. Similarly, freelancing clients paying substantial amounts expect original, high-quality content, not AI-generated text.

Part 3: Practical Demonstration

Here’s how you can create useful tools using Jethjibadi:

  1. Generating the Tool:

    • Use Chat Jupiter to write the necessary HTML and JavaScript code.
    • Create a tool like JPG to PNG converter.
  2. Setting Up the Blog:

    • Go to and create a new blog.
    • Add the generated code to your blog’s HTML section.
    • Customize the look by adding headers, footers, and any additional features you want.
  3. Optimizing for AdSense:

    • Ensure your blog is user-friendly and optimized for SEO.
    • Add relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and make sure it’s responsive.
    • Apply for Google AdSense.

Example: Creating a PNG Converter Tool

  1. Generate Code:

    • Open Chat Jupiter and request code for a "PNG to JPG converter".
    • Copy the generated HTML and JavaScript code.
  2. Create Blog:

    • Go to and click on "New Blog".
    • Enter your blog title and address.
  3. Add Code:

    • Go to the "Theme" section, switch to "Classic" view, and click "Edit HTML".
    • Paste the generated code into the HTML editor.
  4. Customize:

    • Add headers, footers, and other elements to make the tool look professional.
    • Optimize the tool for SEO by adding relevant keywords and meta descriptions.

Final Touches

Creating a successful tool and earning from it takes time and effort. Initially, you need to invest time in creating and optimizing the tool. It might take a few months before you start seeing significant earnings. Consistently improve your blog, create backlinks, and drive traffic to it.


This method is 100% legal and effective. By generating useful tools and integrating them into your Blogger website, you can earn through Google AdSense without violating any guidelines.

If you found this post helpful, please like and Blog to my Youtube channel. Stay tuned for more informative videos. Jai Hind Jai Bharat!

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